Entice (Evolve #3)
by S.E. Hall
Release Date: February 6th, 2014
Genre: New Adult, Contemporary Fiction, Romance
Rate: Enjoyed it
Rate: Enjoyed it
Sawyer Beckett does everything full throttle— he’s fiercely loyal to his friends, always the life of the party and impossible for the parade of women in and out of his bedroom to forget.
Surrounded by true love and happily ever afters, Sawyer's not sure if he's enhancing the what-ifs in his head, or if the goddess on stage that night really is worth the search and nagging in his chest.
At the most inopportune moment possible, Emmett Young comes "skipping" back into his life...and for the first time, Sawyer is the one left wanting more. But Emmett can't give her heart; it's already committed—for life.
The only one strong enough to bring the elusive playboy to his knees is the one he can't have. Luckily, Sawyer Beckett doesn't give up easily.
Mature subject matter and strong sexual content- mature audiences only recommended.
S. E. Hall did it again. She created an amazing story for Sawyer's love story and, as a fan of the Evolve series myself, I was dying to read his story (I have to confess my crush on him).
If you have not read the other books in this series, you should do it If you like sweet New Adult stories. It would help you understand Sawyer's situation at the beginning of Entice.
First of all, Sawyer is my favorite character from the Crew 'cause he's amazingly loyal, the kind of friend you would like to have, sweet and has one of those funny personalities that makes everyone smile even in the bad moments. Plus he's a complete gentleman, tender, hot as h*** (of course), charming and the perfect book boyfriend to spend a weekend reading about (just saying).
If you are an Evolve fan and you loved Sawyer before, his story is going to make you love him more (if that's even possible). And if for some crazy idea, you were team Dane, Team Evan or other guy's Team, you'll convert into Team Sawyer after reading how great, gentleman, sweet, hot, sexy... (I could go all day and night) Sawyer is.
Emmett is the perfect representation of a sweet, innocent college girl who now has a difficult life. She fights her attraction for Swayer, with him being his boss and because of one secret she's hiding. But you immediately like her, 'cause just by reading her point of view you can see she's a good person and you're not able to dislike her.
Their story starts as a first sight attraction. You can read from Swayer's point of view how he sees Emmett in a bachelor's party and he's immediately drawn to her. However, these two don't end up together right away. They reunite again in a much more embarrassing situation involving another girl. It's like their story was doomed by the beginning, but the persistence of Sawyer without losing his sexy, gentleman touch will bring these two together. No matter what.
This story has the perfect amount of funny moments and even awkward moments mixed with an embarrassing touch, like when Emmett meets Sawyer for the first time in a bathroom (not saying more). You simply have to laugh.
Also, watching Sawyer heal and try to be the knight in shinning armor that Emmett needs? It's simply epic. You watch him change from being that handsome, free man that always had a different girl, but was sweet as hell, to a tortured man that wanted something more, the same that all his friends have: someone to love truly. To finally meet his perfect girl and be the best version of Swayer Beckett. One that makes girls go crazy and do crazy stuff. And if you don't believe me, read the quote below. That simply made me want to scream, in full-fan-mode:
“I want to know you, everything about you. I want to make love to you, which I’ve never done before. Never. When I take you, it will be cause you can’t wait another fucking second, and you’ll be begging me to take you to a place where only you and I exist, a place where only I can show you I love your heart as much as your body and your mind and everything that makes you you.”
Now, try to say no to a man like Sawyer, girls.
The plot was a little bit different from the other Evolve stories and I loved that. Swayer's story had to be unique and S. E. Hall wrote that special story just for him. Once I started reading, all I wanted to do was know more about Sawyer, and read, read, read. So, I can honestly say that I got kind of addicted to him and my only regret was finishing the book and have no more Sawyer.
I was also happy to see the Crew again and read about them, too. I love this group and they are one amazing group of people that everyone would love to be part of. I'd definitely want to be part of the Crew, so every time I hear that there's another Evolve book coming, I just cross my fingers and pray that we have some "Crew moments". They're all great characters and each one of them, with their own personalities, make every story mind-blowing, great and funny.
To sum up Entice a little bit, I can say that this new Evolve story is filled with drama, romance, shocking revelations, swoony moments that made you want to read it repeatedly, funny moments and embarrassing/awkward moments, too. Sawyer is one of my favorites characters, as I said before, and he brings the sexy and hot to the story.
So, I highly recommend to read Entice and the other books in the Evolve series. You'd have a great time with the Crew and you would fell in love with S. E. Hall's characters.
by S. E. Hall
I wrap a towel around my waist and open the door, ready to try and be at least
behave cordially, which I know is only right. “Listen, can I—”
look up, startled by Laney’s voice and even more shocked to see her sitting on
my bed. Thank God I put on a towel. “Where’d she go?”
I guess.” She shrugs. “I didn’t ask. I heard the front door slam and got up to
see what the hell was going on. Since you’re here and she’s not, I’m assuming
it was her.”
did I not hear the door slam? Not that I
would’ve chased her. “All right, she left. So what’re you doing in here?”
stands, grabbing some shorts off my floor and throwing them at me. “Go put
those on and we’ll talk. Since I’m up,”
she reminds me with an evil glare.
head back in the bathroom to change, and stay in there, locking the door and
taking a deep breath. I’m over six feet tall and lift almost every day, but
yes, I’m scared to face Laney. Not only is she a hellcat when she wants to be,
but I don’t want to see the disgust or disappointment in her eyes. She’s one of
my best friends, even more so after becoming roommates, and her opinion means a
lot to me.
out here!” she yells when she finally realizes I must be stalling. “Take it
like a man.”
might as well go out there or she’ll undoubtedly come in here, kicking in the
door or taking it off the hinges in what I have no doubt would be less than
five minutes.
pats the bed beside her when I open the door. “Come sit down. We’re doing this
hesitantly take a seat, my knee bouncing as I wait for her to speak.
and of the utmost importance, you know I call my father ‘Daddy,’ so hearing
your visitors scream it repeatedly in
the middle of the night freaks me out. I wake up thinking I’m in some bad
Lifetime movie.”
my smirk, I agree. "Okay, got it." Maybe this little chat won’t be so bad after all.
she stands and tucks my extra pillow between the headboard and wall before
sitting back down beside me, "on school and game nights, booty call curfew
is eleven. That work for you?"
I sigh and run my hands along my head, wishing I had some hair to pull.
"It won't happen again, Gidge. I'm sorry."
places a hand on my shoulder with a small smile. "Don't be sorry. This is
your house too and we hadn't talked about it. Now we have, so we're all good.
Any rules you want to put in place?"
I'm easy."
crystal clear by the parade of women coming in and out of here." She
laughs and scoots away quickly, ducking the pillow I grab and swing at her
head. “Speaking of which, been busier than usual lately—you trying to make a
little Guinness or Gonorrhea?"
Here we go—this is what she really wants to talk about. It was a nice segue, funny even, but
I’m on to her.
S.E.Hall resides in Arkansas with her husband of 17 years and 3 beautiful daughters. When not in the stands watching her ladies play softball, she enjoys reading YA and NA romance.
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