The handsome Angel from Lailah gets center stage in this continuation of Wattpad sensation Nikki Kelly’s romantic and action-packed series about mortals, vampires, and angels.
Gabriel is an Angel Descendant. He's also an ally to a generation of vampires who want to break away from the demon who controls them. His faith in the power of good over evil wavers, however, when he discovers that Lailah, the woman he considers his only true love, may be both angel and demon. Is their love enough to overcome the dark forces who are ready to go to war with Gabriel, the vampire Jonah, and the angel and vampire forces? And can Gabriel compete with Jonah, who is also in love with Lailah?
Once again, Nikki Kelly looks deeply into the heart and soul of good and evil to create a romantic, action-packed reading adventure.

Hello Nikki! Welcome Back! We are super excited to have you in our FFBC tours again!
Thank you so much for having me second time around!! I can’t believe that it’s been a whole year already!
Could you tell us about where Gabriel picks up without giving away any spoilers?
After the Prologue and the Introduction, Chapter One picks up in the exact same place and time that LAILAH left off. Still told from Lailah’s point of view, Book2 is a continuation of her journey, and all the cast are back ready to go on it with her!
Is there a specific scene that you had the most fun to write?
Gosh! So hard to answer this question without giving away spoilers! Let’s just say that whenever a certain Vamp is nearby, I always have fun bringing him to life on the page!
When writing a sequel in a series, do you have to go back and re-read the 1st book?
By the time your novel is in print, I can promise you, you’ll have read every page a bazillion times, so the need to go back and re read isn’t really necessary. That said, it doesn’t hurt to have a quick skim as a refresher!
Is there anything about writing that still surprises you after publishing your second book?
I guess the thing that still surprises me most is the characters… One minute, I’ll feel pretty sure where a scene is going to go, and then puff! a character will appear, start talking, and change everything! -- As an FYI Jonah tends to be that character!
Is there a specific routine you follow when you sit down to write?
Yes, and a simple one…
Boil kettle…
Brew a pot of tea…
Listen to atmospheric music while gathering the cookies…
Check stock levels of secret sweetie stash…
Annddddddddd Write!
Do you have a favorite fan moment?
Yes, when a fan from New York, who began reading LAILAH when the story was very first serialized, flew out to the Fierce Reads Tour in Seattle to meet me! We had been exchanging messages for a couple of years, so it was a real pleasure to finally give her a hug in person!
What would you say is harder to write, the first line of a book or the last?
Always the last, and that’s never been more true than for the final book!
What authors are auto-buys for you, other than Leigh Bardugo since I know how much of a fan of hers you are!
Hee hee! You know me so well sweetie! I do LOVE Leigh Bardugo! Authors like Martina Boone, Genn Albin, Marissa Meyer, Lori Goldstein, Becca Fitzpatrick, Charlaine Harris, Ann Aguirre, Mary Pearson, all auto-buys of mine!
Favorite book of 2015?
Ruin and Rising
Leigh Bardugo
What shows are you currently watching? Any shows other than Doctor Who ;)
I’m always watching the American Office! Though now Netflix UK have removed it from their catalogue (you may have seen my twitter rant!) I may have to diversify!
Game Of Thrones, of course! And I recently discovered that Channel4 is showing FRASIER re runs first thing in the morning, when bubba has breakfast, so I’ve been watching that!
When writing the final book in the Styclar series, you did a bit of traveling. Can you share your experiences and how they were significant to the story?
I went back to Neylis in the South of France, where I went to conduct research and write some of the first book. It was great to visit again, but this time I was there purely to write in the peace and quiet! I had mixed feelings as this time around, I was writing the last book, and bringing some of the characters stories to a final conclusion, rather than meeting them for the first time! **sobs!
Anything we can know about book 3?
Thank you for participating in our FFBC Tours again Nikki, and well just for being you :D
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I was born and raised only minutes away from the chocolately scent of Cadbury World in Birmingham, England. So it will probably come as no surprise that when I'm not dreaming in Vampires & Angels, I dream in chocolate! For the past ten years I have lived in West London with my hubby and two dogs, Alfie - the Pug & Goose - the Chihuahua.
LAILAH is my debut novel, and first launched in serial form to wattpad, a readers & writers community. Within just 6months, LAILAH had over a million reads and thousands of comments and votes.
Since then, The Styclar Saga has gone on to pick up a traditional deal with Feiwel & Friends, and LAILAH, the first book in the series is due for release on October 7th 2014.
These days I spend my time balancing my amazing job of writing fantasy fiction, with my other, very important role of Chocolate Connoisseur. I like to multitask and do the two together. It makes me happy.