Strong Blood (Last Moon Rising #2)
Dale Ibitz
260 Pages
Published by Createspace
Release Date: October 1st, 2012
Rate: Loved it
The Author kindly has given us Strong Blood in Exchange for an honest review. Remember, this is my honest opinion; it has not been affected by the author or any other person.
Strong Blood is the second book in the Last Moon Rising series, the prequel to Fire in the Blood. Strong Blood is an exciting and innovative book, something unexpected and brilliant that you won’t be able to put it down, a masterpiece.
I just have one word to describe Strong Blood, PERFECTION! I loved every single page of it, even the table of contents (just saying). Ms. Dale has made me fall head over heel in love with Strong Blood and her writing.
Strong Blood has everything I have ever wanted in a book/series; it has danger, mystery, forbidden love, friendship, funny moments, realistic characters (and crazy ones) and a polished writing with an incredible and refreshing plot, all this and more.
I really enjoyed reading the first book in this series; I thought Ms. Dale’s writing was incredible then, but now I know for sure. Her writing is so attractive and compelling, it is smooth and clear. Ms. Dale really has talent, and knows how to convey feelings with her words.
If you have read my review for Fire in the Blood (if not, you can read it HERE), you’ll remember that I thought that the idea of the book was brilliant, but that Ms. Dale didn’t take advantage of it. Well, now I don’t think that anymore. Ms. Dale put all her cards on the table, and the result was an incredible book with a breathtaking plot.
Now that I have mentioned the plot, In this second book of this avid series, Last Moon Rising, Haley is still looking for the Eyid stones that will help end the battle for Eyidora, bringing back peace and harmonizing the globe. Then, why is Strong Blood different from Fire in the blood? Easy-peasy, because in Strong Blood we’ve got more adventure, unexpected twist in the main story, and we really see Haley as a true descendent of Air.
But if you really want to know for sure how different Strong Blood was from Fire in the Blood, you’ll have to read it then.
As for the characters, in Strong Blood I really liked Haley. In Strong Blood I had the opportunity to see a fierce main female character, not like in the first book. Sometimes she acted irresponsibly, but it just added to the credibility of her character! In this second book, I really liked Haley, not like in the first book -I didn't like her but I didn't hate her either- she was braver, stronger, determined to save her and all the globes.
Now, do you want to talk about some badboy and super hot character? YAY! He is Tuggin…dang girls! I love bad boys and I absolutely love him; he is, sometimes, a jerk but I just can’t resist his sassiness. Sometimes he is manipulative, though (it sounds worse than it is), but deep down there is a sweet boy, I know it! But because of what he is, he can't show his emotions. But what I like about these two specific characters is their relationship. They are not together like dating, but it doesn’t mean that I couldn’t feel the chemistry they had, even though Tuggin wouldn’t agree with me. Anyway, there is one little feathered character which is the one I loved most in this book. Yes, feathered! He is a bird! I laugh a lot with his comments; he is grumpy but kind of cute. Let me show you my favorite birdy-moments.
Now, do you want to talk about some badboy and super hot character? YAY! He is Tuggin…dang girls! I love bad boys and I absolutely love him; he is, sometimes, a jerk but I just can’t resist his sassiness. Sometimes he is manipulative, though (it sounds worse than it is), but deep down there is a sweet boy, I know it! But because of what he is, he can't show his emotions. But what I like about these two specific characters is their relationship. They are not together like dating, but it doesn’t mean that I couldn’t feel the chemistry they had, even though Tuggin wouldn’t agree with me. Anyway, there is one little feathered character which is the one I loved most in this book. Yes, feathered! He is a bird! I laugh a lot with his comments; he is grumpy but kind of cute. Let me show you my favorite birdy-moments.
“You twit! What did you do that for?” it shrieked
I peek around the tree “What?”
“Are you deaf or just stupid? Do you always throw sticks at defenseless creatures when you’re deaf or stupid? How rude”
Fluffy feathers drifted through the air. One landed on its back. It shook its head until the feather wafted free.
“You better calm down, you’re losing feathers”
“Bah! You’re going to make me bald”.
I just like him so much, maybe because I love animals (most of them). There are other characters like the twins, they are fun to read, strong and they have a really weird way of talking. When I started reading their dialogues I thought my eyes were playing a trick on me, but no. After I got used to reading their characters it was really delightful.
As for the end, it didn’t end badly, it was a really good one, with enough suspense to make you want to read the next book, but not too much to disappoint you. My last world? It was a part of the perfection I mentioned at the begining.
As for the end, it didn’t end badly, it was a really good one, with enough suspense to make you want to read the next book, but not too much to disappoint you. My last world? It was a part of the perfection I mentioned at the begining.
All that said you have to know -by now- that I have declared myself a huge fan of Ms. Ibitz's brilliant work and writing. I honestly can say that, with this second book, Dale Ibitz has earned herself a place in my list of 5-only SuperFAVauthors (my favorite of favorite authors list). Are you still asking why? Fine! I’ll summarize *wink*:

Wow, that was easier than I thought! Next topic! because you must be familiarized with this last part I’m going straight to the point: YOU need to read this series! Take my word, you won’t be disappointed, you will enjoy this amazing battle for Eyidora. And my finale word is: Strong Blood deserves 5 gorjuss doll for leaving me breathless and dying to read the next one.
Thank you for the kind words and review! I have to admit, I kinda like the bird myself (and Tuggin). :) Happy reading!