by Ryan Graudin
Publisher: Harper Teen
Release Date: February 10th 2015

In this thrilling sequel to All That Glows, the worlds of magic and mortal are colliding as London celebrates its new king, marking an era of unity between the Faery realm and the human one. Emrys, the Faery guard to the British royal family, sacrificed her powers to be with King Richard, choosing love over immortality. But now, as Emrys struggles to navigate her place between the Faery queen’s court and London’s lavish galas, danger looms beyond the Thames.When a prisoner with dark, strange magic breaks out of Queen Titania’s labyrinthine prison, endangering Emrys's king and sparking an uprising, Emrys must make the hardest decision of all.
Will she reclaim her magic to save Richard’s life and lose him forever? Or stay powerless as the kingdom goes down in flames?
by Ryan Graudin
Hello Ryan! We are super excited to have you once again in our FFBC.
Thank you so much for having me back!!!
ALL THAT BURNS is the second installment in the tale of Emrys, an immortal Fae who has been guarding the British royal family for hundreds of years. ALL THAT GLOWS saw the royal family under attack from an ancient, mysterious magical power. Emrys fell in love with Prince Richard and eventually gave up her magic to be with him. The existence of Fae and magic has now been revealed to the wider world, and Richard, who is now King, is working to integrate magic and mortal. Emrys is struggling to find her own place in the world after sacrificing her magic, a decision that becomes even harder when Richard’s life is threatened. There’s a lot of political intrigue, Arthurian lore, soul-searching and, of course, fire in this novel.
As I said in the previous answer, the wider world now knows that Fae exist. Some people are embracing the discovery with open arms, transitioning to magically infused technology. Others react to the news of magical beings with fear and prejudice. One of the biggest differences in this book is that Emrys, the main protagonist, can no longer use magic, which becomes a great source of agony for her. There are also new characters, as well as minor characters who’ve transitioned into main ones. Princess Anabelle plays a big part in this tale, and I love the way her character develops in this book.
Certainly. The Faery Court exists underground in the Scottish Highlands, and is ruled by a Faery queen. For centuries immortals have kept themselves hidden from humanity. Their only contact is guarding the British Royal family from darker spirits called Soul Feeders, who prey on mortal souls for sustenance. This secrecy is shattered at the conclusion of ALL THAT GLOWS. The existence of Green Women, Black Dogs, Banshees, Kelpies, Ad-hene and Fae are now common knowledge. The technology of the past few centuries has worn away at the magic of the Fae, and now King Richard and the Faery queen Titania are trying to transition the world into a different era of magically infused energy.
Richard is the type of person who feels very deeply, and is very passionate about everything he does: whether it’s partying or ruling a nation or falling in love. (Of course, this passion can also be a detractor, as we’ll see in ALL THAT BURNS). All of his feelings toward Emrys are genuine and truthful. He really would do anything for her (as we see in the end of ALL THAT GLOWS). Plus, it doesn’t hurt that he’s a royal.
“I’m the spark and he’s the tinder. Night has fallen, dark and cold over the world. And winter might still be on the horizon, but together we are burning.”
There’s a scene partway through where Princess Anabelle really comes into her own. Anabelle has always been the type of girl who takes charge of things. She’s an overachiever, but in this book, she’s forced to become a rule-breaker and a fugitive. She drives a stolen police car and basically saves Emrys with her quick thinking and brazen practicality. It was really fun to write her evolution from a minor character into a major one.
It was the first book I’d written under contract, which was a nerve-wracking experience in itself. Writing ALL THAT GLOWS was wonderful because the first draft was created for an audience of one: me. Writing for an audience—agents, editors, readers—adds a lot of mental pressure. Creating a comprehensive story under deadline was also a new challenge.
The nature of crafting a sequel is also challenging. ALL THAT GLOWS’s storyline wrapped up all of the characters’ emotional arcs, so I had to come up with new ways to make Richard and Emrys grow.
Emrys would still be Karen Gillan. Richard will always look like the model Francisco Lachowski in my mind. I think Candice Accola could play Princess Anabelle really well.
There’s a new character in this book named Kieran who I envision being played by a clean-shaven Adrien Grenier.
Herne would, of course, be voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch.
This is so hard. I think “Let Go” by Frou Frou encapsulates the theme of ALL THAT BURNS really well. (A throwback song, I know.) The runners up would probably be: “Aran Boat Song” by Darol Anger and “Only You” by Ellie Goulding.
Hot tea is always a given. I did create a special ALL THAT BURNS tea blend that you can get by pre-ordering the book from Blue Bicycle Books: It’s a black tea with a ginger plum flavor. The book is also best read in front of a roaring fire, with a tin of shortbread cookies. As for music, I actually listened to the Dark Knight Soundtrack a good deal while writing this novel. It would certainly help set the mood for ALL THAT BURNS’s more dramatic moments.
Well, this one isn’t about faeries, but I’m a huge fan of the film adaption of Neil Gaiman’s STARDUST. There’s magic and humor and skyship pirates and romance and vengeful witches. Regardless, the stars kind of act like faeries in this movie anyway.

I’m starting a new series in the fall. I can’t talk much about it yet, but it’s a duology that I’m publishing through Little Brown, and it’s very different genre wise from the ALL THAT GLOWS’s series, as well as my other novel THE WALLED CITY.
Ryan Graudin is doing a preorder special through her local indie Blue Bicycle Books. You can pre-order a signed copy of All That Burns and get a free ALL THAT BURNS tea (a ginger plum flavored black tea). Don’t miss this special offer! Click here to pre-order a signed copy of All That Burns.
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My writing has since improved, though my obsession with wolves has remained relatively the same (I even own a wolf-hybrid pup.) My childhood was a happy, sunny thing. I grew up on a steady diet of fairytales, salt-marshes, music and brothers who would re-enact Redwall battles with me in the back yard. I went to an artsy sort of high-school that allowed cello recitals in the hallways and impromptu poetry slams in the cafeteria. It was there I decided that writing was what I wanted to do more than anything.
I'm officially a grownup now (I suppose one must admit that once they turn 26). My diet still includes fairytales, salt-marshes and art, but there are a few new loves thrown in. A big one is travel. Pieces of my heart are scattered like breadcrumbs all over the globe--I've bartered them off for writing inspiration, so I suppose it's a fair trade.
When I'm not cramming my earthly belongings into a backpack and waiting in airport security lines, I'm doing one of the following: Writing YA novels, Photographing weddings with my husband, Making our little white cottage more homey, Playing with my wolf pup, Trying out Korean récipes, Haunting local coffee shops with my friends.
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Both books sound really good. I one clicked the first and can't wait to read it. Thank you for ating in the blog tour!