Loving Chris Henderson would be wrong. Diabolically disastrous. I mean, what is there about him to love? He’s moody, bossy, brooding, a control freak, and that’s on a good day … but there was one achingly obvious fact that haunted my every thought, every minute of every day …
He sure could kiss.
As the countdown to the new millennium begins, there is one thing everyone agrees on: no one wants to be in Onslow for New Year’s Eve.
So that can only mean one thing: road trip!
No longer the mousey, invisible, shy girl from years ago, Tammy Maskala is finally making up for all those lost summers. A new year with new friends, which astoundingly includes the bossy boy behind the bar, Chris Henderson.
She likes her new friends (at least most of them), so why does she secretly feel so out of place?
After chickening out on the trip, a last-minute change of heart sees Tammy racing to the Onslow Hotel, fearing she’s missed her chance for a ride. The last thing she expected to meet was a less-than-happy Onslow Boy leaning against his black panel van.
Now the countdown begins to reach the others at Point Shank before the party is over and the new year has begun. Alone in a car with only the infuriating Chris Henderson, Tammy can’t help but feel this is a disastrous start to what could have been a great adventure. But when the awkward road trip takes an unexpected turn, Tammy soon discovers that the way her traitorous heart feels about Chris is the biggest disaster of all.
Fogged up windows, moonlight swimming, bad karaoke and unearthed secrets; after this one summer nothing will ever be the same again.
Firstly, I want to thank C. J. Duggan and the Three Bookateers for letting me be part of this amazing tour and for being able to read Chris' story ahead of time. I couldn't tell you how much I jumped/danced when I received the digital copy.
As I was expecting, C. J. Duggan did it again. She created an incredible, fantastic and swoony story about one of my favorite Onslow Boys: Chris Henderson, the moody, quiet and bossy Onslow boy.
As I was expecting, C. J. Duggan did it again. She created an incredible, fantastic and swoony story about one of my favorite Onslow Boys: Chris Henderson, the moody, quiet and bossy Onslow boy.
I was afraid that I wouldn't remember some of the characters (as if such thing was possible!), but once I started this third book in the Summer series, I was brought back to the magic of the Onslow boys and their amazing and unforgettable summers. However, this time, the New Year is coming and for most of us who remember the 1999, welcoming the new century was something huge and Ms. Duggan not only captured the essence of this moment, but created a little "Onslow magic" by telling us how Chris and Tammy fell in love. And I can tell you, Book Addicts, it's one epic, hilarious and dreamy romance!
I absolutely loved the first chapters of the story. All the Onslow group playing to XXX, in the dark and Tammy finding Chris and knowing it was him by the frown in his face. It was hilarious! I couldn't stop laughing. And once I started, I couldn't stop: not laughing and definitely not reading. I was unable to stop reading this new Summer story. I was captivated by the easy friendship all the Onslow boys and girls shared and all their amazing days and most definitely their romances and their problems. So I can unofficially say that Ms. Duggan created a Book Monster and that would be me, because I, not only read, but devoured That One Summer and my only regret is that I finished so soon!
If I did not convince you yet to start reading this hot, funny and epic story, I will give you more facts to do it. First of all, we have bossy, moody, also quiet and control freak Chris, always the barman and always the misunderstood Onslow Boy. I knew his story would rock my world, but I didn't know to what level. And now I have a problem, because I love Sean, but Chris has won my heart, too.
Okay, back to the facts. The main character, Tammy. She's a little bit insecure and feels like she doesn't belong to the Onslow gang. See the pattern here? They are perfect for each other. Despite this, she is a great girl. She's loyal, friendly, funny and nice. The kind of girl everyone would love to have as a friend. So is pretty easy to read all the book since the story is from the point of view.
Third, but not less important, their almost palpable attraction. From the first chapter I knew they would have some cold and hot scenes, I didn't expect that many! But what made me fangirl like a crazy lunatic was Chris. I knew all along his true feelings!
“You know more than anyone that I am never one to love for the sake of being in love, but I love because of you.”
I could keep going on, but it would be an endless list. So I think I'm going to keep it short. Plus those three reasons are more than enough to start reading right now That One Summer. What more can I say?
Their romance was sexy, funny and playful. You knew it was bound to happen and in the end you know that they have to be together, but it was really funny see how these two played around and how different situations put them together.
Never before I thought about reading a book set in the 2000 and that afterwards I'd feel nostalgic about those times. It was not long ago, but after reading That One Summer I can of miss some things. This is a feeling I cannot put into words. Maybe you'll understand me once you read the book.
It was nice to see the gang together and read also about them, how their lives are going after those amazing love stories that we previously read (Toby's and Sean's) and to see how they have grown up as couples and friends.
C. J. Duggan easily creates an unforgettable friendship, an amazing summer that most of us would love to live and epic love stories. And with That One Summer, not only she won my heart and made me fall in love with Chris and Tammy and their love story, but she made me remember what means to be an Onslow Boy and to be part of the gang. And most importantly, she made me fell in love with all the characters even more. If that was even possible.
A promising road trip in winter, the value of friendship, an epic romance, an amazing crowd where friendship is almost visible and admirable and the welcome of a new century, That One Summer will win your heart and make you want to read more. If you're looking for an Aussie young adult contemporary novel full of funny moments, friendship, sexy and without leaving the sweetness that only the Summer Series have, stop looking! This is your book! And it's definitely a must read.
Music is hugely inspirational for my writing process, listed are some novel specific music and songs that drove my husband mad as I played them over and over again while penning ‘An Endless Summer.’
1. The Summer – Josh Pyke
2. I’m on fire – Bruce Springsteen
3. One Thousand Suns - Chicane
4. No Ordinary Morning - Chicane
5. Young Blood – We Come Running
6. The Eurythmics – When Tomorrow Comes
7. Waiting for a Girl Like You – Foreigner
8. True Colors – Cyndi Lauper
10. You Make Lovin Fun – Fleetwood Mac
That One Summer is the third book in the mature young adult SUMMER SERIES, a series filled with intoxicatingly sweet romances and addictive, swoon worthy characters. The Summer Series is set in Onslow and it is here where you will meet the ruggedly handsome Onslow Boys - a group of men SO HOT in appearance and so likable in personality that’ll leave you craving MORE. Now imagine that, set it against a sizzling hot Australian background, fill it with good old Australian humour and there you have the Summer Series!
That One Summer
by C. J. Duggan
Chris leaned forward to lower the
music, but it was too late now; there was a ringing in my ears.
He had nice hands, tanned by the sun,
tidy fingernails; he could totally be a hand model with hands like those. If
you were going to notice Chris and like him, his hands would probably be the
first thing that would draw you to him, seeing as his face was always an
intimidating scowl. It wasn’t the first time I had noticed his hands – there
had been countless times he had served me a drink at the bar, or handed me
change and I had noticed how nice they were. The second thing I noticed about
Chris (if I was noticing things) was his shoulders. They were so square, so
symmetrical; he looked like he was a swimmer. He had great posture, even when
he stood behind the bar between customers, with his arms folded – his stance
was straight, proud, expectant. Yep! Your eyes would trail from those hands to
those shoulders and usually be met with a piercing flick of the deep brown eyes
that would cause you to quickly look away, or caused me to, anyway.
He had been pretty intimidating in the
beginning, but as time wore on I just found him downright rude, no matter how
lovely his hands and shoulders may be.
“What are you staring at?” Chris’s
voice pulled me out of my thoughts.
Oh crap! Was I staring?
I snapped my head away to look out of
the window. “Nothing.”
“They’re not that white, are they?” he
My attention moved from the window to
Chris again with a confused frown.
His head tilted downward as he shifted
his leg a little to expose … a kneecap.
I smiled. “You’re wearing shorts?”
“You don’t have to sound so surprised.”
He lowered his leg.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you in shorts
before.” My eyes trailed over his tan cargos; it seemed that in line with nice
hands and shoulders, Chris had nice legs. Okay,
best not to stare, I thought. But then something grabbed my attention.
“You have impressively tanned legs for
someone who lives in Levi’s,” I mused. “You don’t sun-bake in a pair of budgie
smugglers on the weekends, do you?” That would just be too much.
Chris burst out laughing, so loud and
abruptly it caused me to flinch at the unexpectedness of it. Laughter from
Chris was as rare as seeing him in shorts.
“Budgie smugglers?” he asked.
“Yeah, you know, Speedos, Y-fronts,”
“I know what they are, Tammy, and the
answer is no, no I don’t do that.” He
grinned, concentrating on the road.
I took a moment to study Chris, not out
of the corner of my eye this time but to unapologetically study him. I wanted
to fully absorb the rarity of his smile, of his good humour, because let’s face
it, it would probably be the first and last time I saw it.
I curved my brow. “So exceptionally
tanned legs but no weekends spent in budgie smugglers, eh? Curiouser and
curiouser,” I smirked.
Chris coughed. His face flexed back
into those familiar stern lines as he straightened in his seat. “Tamara?”
I cocked my head. “Yes, Christopher?”
His lips twitched as he fought not to
smile. “Stop staring at me.”

Novels in the Summer Series includes: The Boys of Summer (2012), An Endless Summer (2013) and the highly anticipated, soon to be released That One Summer (2013).
For more on C.J and ‘The Summer Series’, visit www.cjdugganbooks.com
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